Veneers Cornwall

When you are looking to transform your smile quickly and painlessly, veneers are the perfect solution for you. Whether your teeth are badly stained, chipped or incorrectly aligned, veneers can restore them to their normal functionality. And provide you with a beautiful and elegant smile.

Veneers are a routine and straightforward procedure, which can usually be completed within a week of starting treatment. Here at Revitalise Dental Centre, we have a dedicated state of the art onsite laboratory to create veneers and other dental prostheses. Which allows us to complete your treatment at a much faster rate. Treatment elsewhere can typically take anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks.

Whether you are looking to use veneers to fill any gaps between the teeth or treat a single badly discoloured tooth, we can completely transform your teeth. Giving you the confidence to smile without a second thought.

  • Have the look and feel of natural teeth
  • Offer a long-term, durable solution
  • Can be used to treat an individual or multiple teeth
  • Offer several cosmetic and restorative solutions


In your consultation your personal Revitalise dental practitioner will talk to you about:

    • Treatment stages for veneers
    • Finance and cost options
  • Any concerns or worries you have about the procedure
  • After Care

Veneers Cornwall - Revitalise Dental Centre

What is a veneer and when are they used?

Repair a damaged tooth: For patients who have a chipped or cracked tooth, a veneer is often a practical solution to repairing the damage. In many cases, a damaged tooth won’t present health complications but can leave a patient feeling self-conscious. Preventing them from smiling and talking.

Straighten and re-align the teeth: Veneers can offer a solution for patients who have wonky or misaligned teeth. They can also be used to fix gaps between the

teeth. Traditionally orthodontics would be used, however, many adults are put off by the treatment length and wearing a visible brace. Dental veneers are a viable solution for patients who want to straighten their teeth with

out the need for a brace and months of treatment.

Change the shape of teeth: Teeth come in all shapes and sizes and it’s not uncommon to have ones that are too small or irregular. This is often not problematic from a medical point of view, however, can be aesthetically unpleasing. Particularly from the patients’ point of view. Using veneers, we can redesign the tooth so it doesn’t stand out when you smile. Creating a natural and elegant finish.

Protect damaged tooth enamel: The outer layer of the tooth is known as the enamel, which protects your teeth from tooth decay. The enamel naturally thins as we age but lifestyle choices such as diet can cause the enamel to erode. Other habits such as teeth grinding can also

cause damage to the enamel. To avoid further complications such as tooth decay and complete loss, a veneer can be used to ‘restore’ the enamel and act as a new protective layer for the teeth.



How are veneers fitted?

The placement of a veneer is a common and painless procedure which we can usually complete within a week of starting treatment. Here’s what you can expect when having a veneer fitted.

Before we begin with the treatment we will first assess oral health to ensure there are no underlying dental problems. Once we have determined treatment is safe we can proceed with preparing the veneer.

Session 1

We begin by removing a very small amount of the tooth’s surface enamel where the veneer will be placed. This is usually about half a millimetre and is completely safe, although irreversible. This makes room for the veneer to be placed and ensures your bite remains normal. We then take an impression of your teeth, either with a mould or a digital scan, to send to our onsite dental laboratory for your veneer to be made.

Session 2

In our second session, we will place the veneer lastingly to the tooth, this is a painless procedure. We will begin by cleaning, polishing and roughening the tooth surface to successfully place the veneer. We then apply a special adhesive (dental glue) to the tooth and carefully place the veneer. Once in place, we use a high-intensity, ultraviolet light to harden the adhesive and secure the veneer in place. This whole process is known as ‘bonding’.

Finally, if you are completely happy with the veneer and we have ensured your bite is correct, we will make any minor adjustment if necessary. We will polish your new veneer and teeth one last time before you leave and share your new smile with the world.

Everything from planning right through to the placing on your veneer will usually be completed within a week of starting treatment.


Veneers Cornwall - Revitalise Dental Centre



Once your veneers have been securely placed you are able to carry on with your day to day life straight away. In almost all cases you are able to eat and drink straight away. In the case of a local anaesthetic being used during treatment, we recommend avoiding food and hot drinks until the effects have worn off.

Going forward it is important to look after your new smile to avoid dental problems and increase the longevity of your investment. Fortunately, there are no special requirements to maintain your veneers. A regular oral hygiene routine can be followed. This includes:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day using a non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid scratching or damaging the surface of the veneer.
  • Flossing at least twice a day. For convenience sake, floss every time you brush your teeth.
  • Avoid using your teeth for anything they are not designed for, such as opening bottles. Just like your natural teeth, although very durable veneers are not indestructible.
  • Continue to have regular visits with your dentist and hygienist.

With the correct care and maintenance, you can enjoy your new smile for up to 15 years before replacement veneers are needed.

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    Revitalise procedures and treatments are bespoke and tailored to your needs and lifestyle.
    Contact us now to arrange a time for your initial consultation.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are veneers permanent?

    No, however with the correct care and maintenance they can last up to 15 years before they need replacing or repair. Just like your normal teeth, their longevity is determined by the individual and their lifestyle habits.

    How much do veneers cost?

    A single veneer will cost between £800 – £1200

    How long do veneers last?

    By leading a healthy lifestyle and continuing to have regular visits with your dentist and hygienist, your veneers can last up to 15 years before they need maintenance or replacement.

    Can veneers fix an overbite?

    No, although they can straighten and fix misalignments, an overbite cannot be fixed with work only carried out on some of the front teeth. To fully treat an overbite all of the teeth on the lower and upper arch also need to be treated.

    Will veneers ruin my teeth?

    No, veneers are designed to perfectly fit on the top of your teeth. The concept is similar to how a false-nail is placed over a real nail. Although we remove a thin layer of the tooth’s surface, this is not dangerous and will not cause damage to your teeth.

    Can veneers fall off?

    In rare cases, a veneer can fall off. However, this is normally a result of injury, an underlying medical condition such as tooth decay or the veneer initially being placed incorrectly. Here at Revitalise, we take every measure possible to ensure a successful and long-lasting treatment.

    Are veneers available on the NHS?

    In most cases, veneers are not available on the NHS unless there is a clinical need, as they deal with a patient’s cosmetic complaint.

    If you are concerned with the cost of veneers, we offer a range of patient finance options to help you spread the cost of treatment over time.

    Can my teeth still decay even with veneers?

    Yes, it is important to maintain a good standard of oral hygiene as your teeth are still prone to tooth decay and other oral health complications. It’s important to brush and floss daily as well as regularly visiting your dentist and hygienist.

    What our Clients say

    Marion visited Revitalise to reclaim her smile with a complete implant treatment. In this video, she explains how the staff at the practice put her at ease and why she recommends Revitalise to everyone she meets.

    Client: Marion
    Treatment: Complete mouth secured with implants

    “The minute I met Martin, I just knew he was so calm and relaxing. So then we had a discussion and Martin said what he could do and it had to be what our pocket could afford as well and we went ahead with it. The experience I had at this dentist was unbelievable, it was a journey I loved every minute of.”

    Client: Dee
    Treatment: Dental Implants

    “There’s always smiling, handshakes, hugs and plenty of tea and coffee. They looked after my husband who was there for the day. They do the sedation and Hayley looked after me. Obviously I was unaware of exactly what they were doing, but they always make you feel so comfortable. Although you’re nervous, I don’t think I could’ve gone and got the same treatment anywhere else.”

    Client: Carolyn
    Treatment: Dental Implants

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